
The current state of the remote working & hiring environment

The current state of the remote working & hiring environment Paul Arnesen
October 12, 2022

The proliferation of remote work has changed the hiring landscape.

Businesses need to be aware of the current state of play and future trends & developments in remote recruitment.

They also need to have a clear strategy for recruiting and retaining top talent in a highly competitive market.

Understanding the challenges and opportunities of remote work can set businesses up for success.

Key Takeaways

The current environment for businesses looking to hire remote teams is highly competitive. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many companies to reconsider their approach to work, with remote teams becoming the new norm in many industries.

Subsequently, a rise in the number of people working from home can be both a blessing and a curse for businesses.

On the one hand, it gives companies access to a larger pool of talent; on the other hand, it can make managing and monitoring employees more challenging.

Finally, it is worth noting that the rise of remote work will likely impact the global economy.

As businesses increasingly hire workers worldwide, they must rethink their approach to taxation, compliance, and employee benefits.

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How does the future of work look like?

The future  of remote work

The future of work is increasingly looking remote. Studies predict that up to 30% of the workforce will work from home by 2030. In addition, Facebook announced that 50% of employees may be working remotely by 2030. Others, such as PwC, allow all U.S. employees to work from anywhere in the country. Work-from-home presents both opportunities and challenges for businesses.

On the plus side, remote work opens up new possibilities for businesses to reach global markets and tap into a wider talent pool. However, a number of challenges also need to be addressed, such as how to manage remote teams effectively and how to protect data security when working with employees in different locations.

A recent Zapier shows the next generation wants to work remotely. An astonishing 100% of respondents aged 18-24 and 64% aged 25-34 would quit their current role for a fully remote job. Only half of the respondents aged +54 would resign for a remote opportunity. Age and demographics play a fundamental role in future working dynamics. 

Unsurprisingly, the executive position on work-from-home is somewhat different. Not all are in favour of a fully remote environment.

The CEO of Microsoft - the software company that ironically invented the home computer and software tools to work remotely - said employees and managers are at odds regarding productivity from working at home. Another leading software business - Cisco - reported that  78% of employees noticed improvements in work-life balance and relationships with family & friends.

No doubt employees are far happier about working from home than iron-fisted leaders.  

Remote work trends 

There are a few key trends that businesses should be aware of when it comes to remote work:

guide to remote team


There is currently a high demand for remote workers, which is growing.

Many industries are seeing the benefits of remote work and are increasingly hiring remote employees.

Remote workers' most in-demand skill sets include customer service, IT, and marketing.

The future outlook for remote work is positive, with more industries expected to embrace remote work in the coming years.

As a result, the demand for remote workers will continue to grow, and the skill sets most in need will likely change. The main factors affecting the demand for remote workers are the increasing cost of living and the flexibility that remote work offers.

Demand for skilled workers is growing


The current remote hiring environment is one of tight supply and high demand.

Several industries are in short supply of good candidates, including the tech industry, which has struggled to find enough workers for some time.

The supply of skilled workers has also been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, as many people have been forced to relocate or take on new roles.

The supply of candidates is also good in some industries, such as healthcare and education.

However, many critical factors could affect the pool of candidates in the future.

These include the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on employment, the availability of remote work, and the preferences of millennials.

All these factors could mean the supply of talented workers is more volatile in the future as people are no longer restricted by location, which could significantly impact recruitment.

AI-Powered recruitment tools

One trend that is already beginning to emerge is the use of AI-powered recruitment tools.

These tools are designed to help employers sift through many job applications quickly and efficiently, and they are likely to become even more sophisticated in the coming years. 

AI-powered tools can weed out resumes unsuitable for the position in question, saving employers a great deal of time and effort. In addition, AI-powered tools can also help identify candidates who may be a good fit for the position but who may not have otherwise been considered.

There is no doubt that AI-powered recruitment tools have several advantages over traditional recruiting methods.

However, it is essential to note that these tools are still in their infancy, and there is much room for improvement.

AI-Powered recruitment tools is a growing trend

Social Media

Another trend expected to gain traction is using social media for recruiting.

While LinkedIn has long been the go-to platform for recruiting, other platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, are beginning to be used more and more for this purpose.

When used effectively, social media can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to hire the best candidates.

With the right strategy in place, companies can use social media to reach a wider pool of candidates, research potential candidates, and avoid any associated risks.


The bottom line is that the future of remote work is looking very bright.

And as more and more businesses embrace this trend, the need for qualified remote workers will only continue to grow.

If you're thinking about a career in remote work, or have positions that require filling, contact the Talentroo team to discuss how we can help you recruit the best talent for your business.